5/29/22 Weekly announcements

Good morning everyone. Here is the link to Sundays service for anyone who missed it. https://youtu.be/ZxEZRtafkN8 Don’t forget about these dates (Salem, you are of course welcome to come but these are in Eugene): ·        This Saturday 6/4 is our June “1st Saturday” event. Since we are doing the potluck...

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5/22/22 Weekly Announcements

Good afternoon, everyone. Here is the link to yesterday’s service for any of you who missed it. https://youtu.be/wKnby38g0-Y We also had our monthly town hall meeting yesterday. (Dates mentioned here will also be in the “dates to remember section below but I wanted to call them out here with more...

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Announcements for week of 5/15/22

Hi everyone. Sorry about not getting this out sooner but with staying home sick Sunday, it took a bit for me to get all the info together. Here is the link to the service for any of you who missed it on Sunday. https://youtu.be/p-KTtsLUvOQ The theme for next week is...

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Weekly announcements 5/8/22

Good morning everyone. Here is the link to Sunday’s service for anyone who missed it. https://youtu.be/QuB_g_ZPs50 The theme for next week is all hail King Jesus. Scripture passages: ·        Psalm 148:1-14 ·        Acts 11:1-18 ·        Revelation 21:1-6 ·        John 13:31-35 DATES TO REMEMBER: Congregation Day Date Time Event/Announcement Eugene Tuesday...

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5/1/22 Weekly Announcements

Good evening, everyone. The stream of today’s service hasn’t been put up online yet, but here is the link to our YouTube channel for you to check. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCScrv8cHacL911WiMnDSsZA The theme for next week is rapt in anticipation. Scripture Passages: ·        Psalm 23:1-6 ·        Acts 9:36-43 ·        Revelation 7:9-17 ·        John...

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