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07/23/2023 Weekly Announcements

Good afternoon, everyone!

This weeks service wasn’t streamed but here is the link to our YouTube channel where you can watch any of the past streamed services at any time. https://www.youtube.com/@GraceCommunionRiverRoad/videos


  • Thursday 7/27: Trivia at the Beer Station in Junction City at 6:00pm
  • Sunday 7/30: Our theme will be assurance of God’s fidelity.
    • Scripture Passages:
      • Psalm 105:1-11, 45b
      • Psalm 128
      • Genesis 29:15-28
      • Romans 8:26-39
      • Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52


  • Date at time for the garage sale has yet to be determined.
  • We will be doing a reverse offering again this year to collect school supplies which will be donated to Junction City Local Aid. The reverse offering will take place during service on 8/6. Please bring your purchased supplies to church with you on 8/12 for the Tie Dye party or on Sunday 8/13 so they can be taken to Local Aid that week to allow time for them to get them out & available for kids to select their supplies prior to the start of the school year. There are specifications for color of folders or notebooks and brand of crayons so please make sure you are purchasing the specific item you draw from the reverser offering so they can actually be used.
  • We will be participating in the 3rd Annual Back To School Carnival on 8/13 at the Beer Station in Junction City. Volunteers will be needed. We would also like to have 2 or 3 backbacks with school supplies to include in their raffle.
  • Please note that the Tie Dye party has been moved up a week to Saturday 8/12 due to a scheduling conflict with the Avenue Navigator team on the 19th.


Day Date Time Event/Announcement Location
Thursday 7/27 6:00pm Trivia Night! All ages are welcome & you are not obligated to attend every week. If you are going to come, please check this link https://www.djtrivia.com/cod/ for the Clue of the Day for clues about questions that will be asked that day as well as an item to bring to score bonus points. (It’s different every day so you must check on Thursday!) The Beer Station in Junction City (495 Holly Street)
Sunday 8/6 During Service Reverse offering for school supplies to be donated to Junction City Local Aid River Road
Tuesday 8/8 TBD Avenue Navigators Meeting TBD
Saturday 8/12 11:00am Tie Dye party (So we all have cool duds to wear to the party!) Bring a pre-washed 100% cotton t-shirt to dye. River Road
Sunday 8/13 During Service Bring school supplies purchased from the reverse offering to church so they can be taken to Junction City Local Aid. River Road
Sunday 8/13 3:00-7:00pm 3rd Annual Back to School Carnival. Volunteers are needed for our tattoo table as well as anything else the event organizers may need. We would like to have 2-3 backpacks with school supplies to donate to their raffle. The Beer Station in Junction City (495 Holly Street)
Saturday 8/26 5:00pm 60’s Party at the Sitterley’s Sitterley house
Tuesday 9/12 6:00pm Advisory Team & Avenue Navigators Meeting River Road



Remember to check discord for prayer requests.

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